Please remember SELF-CARE is...



SELF-soothing  and,


Sometimes practising self-care may mean seeking help. If you do struggle, please do not struggle alone. A list of support is provided below as a starting point.

If you would like any support or advice around issues related to race, ethnicity and or equality, you may wish to speak to your local Citizens' Advice Bureau in the first instance or, if these issues are impacting on your wellbeing, please contact your GP. We have listed other external sources of support below.

The Samaritans
The Samaritans exists to provide round the clock, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year support. If you need to speak to someone or you are in distress, please call 116 123.

Equality and Human Rights Commission
Useful website containing advice and guidance on the rights that you have to
equality, and what to do when you experience discrimination.

Black and Asian Therapists Online
A website containing a directory of experienced Black or Asian counsellors and
psychotherapists in the UK. There are also other resources provided, including
some interesting articles.

The Black and Asian Therapist Network (BAATN)
A Network that seeks to reflect the many that are committed, passionate and actively engaged in addressing the psychological needs of Black and Asian people in the UK.

The British Association of Psychotherapists
A service that organises assessment and psychotherapy. There is also a
reduced fee scheme providing 3 times per week psychotherapy, usually with a

NAFSIYAT- intercultural therapy centre
A community organisation, specialising in therapeutic help for people from ethnic and cultural minorities, that works with individuals and families.

Black Mental Health UK
Black Mental Health UK’s is a Service Users focused organisation which aims to empower African Caribbean communities to improve the Black service user experience and reduce the over representation of Black people at the coercive end of psychiatric care.

UK Black Pride
Promotes unity among LGBT Black people of African, Asian, Caribbean, Middle Eastern and Latin American descent, their friends and families who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender.