About this Course

STILL I RISE is an evidence-based programme designed to support the well-being of children of colour around issues of racism.

Black and Brown children start to experience racism at a very young age. Racism has far-reaching consequences on their cognitive, emotional and relational development.

Parents, educators and children’s services can be at a loss as to know how to support children when they experience racism. Often reproducing the same ‘conspiracy of silence’; leaving children to manage the psychological costs e.g confusion, shame, anxiety and distress on their own. Resulting in internalising feelings of ‘otherness’, inferiority and ‘difference’.

There are various reasons why we struggle with naming and addressing racism in childhood, but, If we are serious about tackling institutional racism within schools and children services professionals must understand how to support and protect the well-being and welfare of children of colour in relation to race-based challenges.


The course is priced at £399 for non-members and £150 for Race Reflections members.

Learning Objectives

STILL I RISE is for those working with children. Teachers primarily but also, helping professionals, medical staff, managers and others with an interest in psychology, mental health, social justice, anti-racism and children’s development.

  • Strategies to address blockers to tackling racism, including psychological and structural barriers

  • An understanding of the different types of racism that children of colour are exposed to

  • A firm grasp of the impact of racism on children’s development

  • An awareness of the signs and manifestations of racial trauma/race-based stress in children

  • Increased confidence in supporting children who disclose experiences of racism and in managing race-based incidents

  • The ability to apply anti-racist principles within children’s services and schools.

Course Content

    1. Preparation

    2. A critical look at racism

    3. The impact of racism on children

    1. Seeing whiteness

    2. Defining whiteness

    3. White privilege

    1. What do you know and how do you know it?

    2. The legacy of the past

    3. Control and influence

    1. Your values

    2. Your biases

    3. Your positionality

    1. The denial of racism

    2. Silence and silencing

    3. Language

    1. Structural transformation

    2. Talking about racism

    3. Preparing children for discrimination

About this course

  • £399.00
  • 18 lessons
  • Reflective exercises


  • Reading material & case studies

  • Guided study & reflective prompts

  • Relevant videos & references

Learn how to support children of colour today