Welcome to Race Reflections’ first online course: An Introduction to Racial Trauma!


This course is the first of its kind in the UK. It aims to equip learners with a solid understanding of racial trauma. This is a four-to-five part thorough, emotionally challenging and reflexive course. It will equip learners with the theoretical and empirical underpinning of racial trauma, as well as providing strategies and clinical tools to support those struggling with racism-related distress.

Each PART is expected to take 3-5 hours to complete on average.


The course is priced at £399 for non-members and £150 for Race Reflections members.

The course is suitable for all helping professionals, teachers, medical staff, managers and others with an interest in psychology, mental health, social justice AND anti-racism.

Learning Objectives

  • Grasp various conceptualisations of racial trauma

  • Explore the lived experience of racial trauma

  • Understand strategies to buffer the impact of racism on targets

  • Take a positioned, embodied approach to self-reflectivity

  • Grasp and practice some self-care tools

Course Content

    1. Self-care, stress and distress management

    2. Positionality Exercises

    3. Immersion activities​

    4. Preparatory reading​

    5. Reflective exercises

    1. Definitions and conceptualisations of racism

    2. Race inequalities in the mental health system

    3. Racism and mental health

    4. Impact on individuals, families and communities of colour (including intergenerational consequences)

    5. Reflective exercises

    1. Definitions and conceptualisations of trauma and racial trauma

    2. Signs and manifestations

    3. Intersectionality and racial trauma

    4. Reflective exercises

    1. Resources to download

    2. Compassion-based models

    3. Group analytic and psychoanalytic ideas

    4. Critical psychology and anti-racist interventions

    5. Racial identity strength development and culturally enriching interventions

About this course

  • £399.00
  • 19 lessons
  • Reflective exercises


  • Reading material

    Detailed explanations with references and links to further reading.

  • Guided study

    Exercises and reflective prompts to guide you through the material.

  • Relevant media

    Videos, case studies and downloadable content.

Join us in working towards anti-racist praxis