About this course

BITE SIZE courses are high-impact, topical, and practical introductions to inequality, injustice, and oppression-related subjects.

On this BITESIZE course, we will tackle whiteness head-on. And specifically whiteness in academia.

Learning Objectives

This course is aimed at students of colour and those who support them including: lecturers, counsellors, parents, and others interested in their welfare and achievements.

  • Better understand how whiteness/racism are conceptualised and their manifestations in academia

  • Assess the impact and lived experience of students of colour

  • Use and apply practical strategies to mitigate adverse psychological consequences and practise self-care

Course Content

    1. AT A GLANCE…

    2. Defining racism & whiteness

    3. Seeing whiteness: why is my curriculum white?

    4. Reflection & Conclusion

    1. AT A GLANCE…

    2. Distress & Trauma

    3. Physical health

    4. Internalised racism

    1. Anti-racism and self-care

    2. Self-care is part of the work

    3. Additional self-care resources

    4. Other forms of self-care

About this course

  • £69.00
  • 12 lessons
  • Reflective exercises

Learn strategies to navigate whiteness in academia