Welcome to our anti-racism reflective course!

This is a short course designed to support you on your anti-racism journey. It is offered completely free to ALL our members. For everyone else, it is £9.99…for now.

We have a tendency to separate structures from individuals in ways that can be deeply unhelpful and arbitrary. At Race Reflections, we see them as co-constitutive and inseparable. In fact, we would go as far as arguing that they form part of the same unit or relational field. What does that mean for us here, today? Fundamentally it means that any attempt to combat racism MUST focus on both individuals and on structures. But it also means that in the same way that shifting structures necessarily shifts psychologies, shifting the psychology of individuals will inevitably have an impact on structures.

The most effective anti-racist action tackles both. It also encourages engagement with both head and heart. This course offers tools for those starting their anti-racism journey. We believe it may also be helpful to more seasoned anti-racist activists, thinkers and practitioners. The primary aim of this booklet is to help you to explore anti-racism from a reflective, positioned and embodied way.

But to do so from a positioned and embodied perspective through 10 simple activities and various questions. It will provide you with a reflective space as well as practise opportunities to start to develop the kind of anti-racist practice that is self-reflective, embodied, affective as well as cognitive.

This journey is personal as much as it is political. There is no expectation that you share your reflections with anyone. Please be open and candid. Anti-racism is tough. REALLY tough. It is tough, but it is absolutely necessary. I hope you find the tool helpful to reflect on your motivation, on what you bring into this struggle by way of history and positionality but also, on what you may need to do to sustain and look after yourself.

Anti-racism sits at the core of all we do so, if you would like further input from us, please get in touch or visit our main website.

Thank you for joining us and, welcome on-board!

Guilaine Kinouani
Founder, http://www.RaceReflections.co.uk

Course Content

  1. Anti-racism: A reflective course

About this course

  • £9.99
  • 10 lessons
  • 10 reflective exercises

Start your anti-racism journey today